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    Thursday, February 21, 2008

    The Questions

    What kinds of content are the new internet "gate-keepers" looking for?

    All genres at the moment.

    Is it linear or interactive?

    It must be social and relevant.

    Is it original or adapted or traditional content?

    Mostly traditional at the moment depending on the platform but more made-for-platform-content is coming.

    How do you determine what content works on what platform?

    TV - we all understand this medium
    Online - needs to have good meta tagging and be very searchable -- killer kite.
    Mobile - the small size of the screen needs to be taken into account when shooting.

    Is there a need for "professionally-produced" content or is UGC from any source going to predominate internet content?

    There will always need to be editors but not like we have seen in the past.
    Niche. Niche. Niche.

    How will it be marketed?

    Search, SEO (search engine optimization), behavioural weighting, traditional media promotion driving to online.

    What are the advantages of internet TV?

    For producers:
    1) Only need to convert old media once to digital then distribute
    2) What I want. When I want it.

    What would you advise traditional television producers to do?

    1) Intelligence Gathering Phase: We are currently in the learning phase. Embrace it. Read the trades.

    Some blogs with good content:

    Paid Content
    Mobile Entertainment

    2) Gather Data: Place your content where you can get lots of data back as to how online work. You will make very little money, cover your costs, but the intelligence gathered from the process will be lucrative in the future.

    3) Play with the technology.

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